
over 12 years ago
xojennyxo didn't upload a photo

Jenny (xojennyxo)

118 posts

I’m in legal trouble and wondering what will happen to me. :( if I’ll be able to find a job (cause if I’m charged I will be seen as a criminal on background checks).

over 12 years ago
mystical_mia's photo

~ Mystical Mia ~ (mystical_mia)

33 posts

Hi Jenny I have over read your posts thank you my spiritual guides I do feel at this time I can give you advice and guidance and answer your question that you seem to be seeking please visit me and live chat… Blessings

over 12 years ago
psychicjennifer14 didn't upload a photo

Jennifer Poe (psychicjennifer14)

2082 posts

Hello my name is Jennifer and I have offered my psychic mediumship readings since I was young. My psychic abilities were passed down to me by my mother. I started seeing things and began reading for people at a young age. My mother began keen many years ago so that is how I found out about it. My mother is an excellent psychic so I have learned from the best. Contact me I am sure you will find what you are looking for. If I am busy please drop me an e-mail to set up an appointment with me. Thanks.

over 12 years ago
intuitive_spiritual_counselor's photo

Inner Light (intuitive_spiritual_counselor)

7 posts

If you get charged, it doesn’t mean you have been convicted. You have to be convicted to have a criminal record. I don’t pretend to know the details of your case, but if you want someone to talk to who can help you sort out the feelings of confusion and anxiety you may be having, let’s chat.

{{My answers are never cut and pasted}}

over 12 years ago
phoenix11's photo

Phoenix (phoenix11)

24 posts

Hello Jenny, It doesn’t take a psychic or a rocket scientist to figure out that you have some serious concerns that are weighing heavily on you. You have some time sensitive issues that need attention and it is critical that you make the right choices. It is also critical that you have the tools to achieve the outcome that is for the highest and best good for you and all involved. Please remember that all hope is not lost here. It would be my pleasure to help ease your mind and give you some information that is sure to change your life. I look forward to speaking with you.

over 12 years ago
bluedragon's photo

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

2048 posts

HI Jenny, It depends on what you did that was illegal. Some things are felonies some are not.Felonies would surely hurt you finding a job,but then it would also depend on what kind of felony it was…
